August 16: Nehemiah 6-10

In this week’s bible reading, the people praise and worship God on different occasions, like when Ezra read them the Book of the Law they worshipped the Lord. But in chapter 9 when the people confessed their sins, they confess that they forgot the miracles and good things God did for them in the past, and turned a blind eye, doing as they pleased, which caused them to repeat the mistake over and over again. Applying this to my life I learned that remembering and thanking what God did for me, like at school, is important and needs to be done everyday not sometimes so I don’t forget the good things he’s done for me.


This week’s bible reading, I learned about how Nehemiah prayed to God when he was intimidated by Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem when he was building the wall.Applying this to my life, I have just started 8th grade and close to high school where I would have a lot of options to take. So, it is important to always seek guidance from God and pray to him and not just think on my own decisions or my thoughts.



Comment from Jun re: Yoshiya:





In this week’s Bible reading, I learned how much Nehemiah trusted and relied on God. When Sanballat sent him a letter containing false information, Nehemiah told him bluntly “Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head.” He realized that Sanabllat was trying to frighten the Israelites, and Nehemiah asked God to strengthen his hands. In addition, when Shemaiah told him that people were coming to kill him, he refused to hide, realizing that Tobiah and Sanballat hired him. Nehemiah was able to be this bold against his enemies because he knew that God was with him. Applying this to my life, in school, there are times that I compare myself to others and I feel that I need to be like them, but I want to be bold like Nehemiah and remember that God is with me.

Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
Good, Timothy.

Applying this to my life, in school, there are times that I compare myself to others and I feel that I need to be like them, but I want to be bold
Using what Timothy wrote as an example, it would be even better if all of you can write more specifically about application—for example, in what situations do you compare yourself to others? In what way do you feel like you need to be like them? How specifically do you want to be bold?


ネヘミヤ 8:10

Jun’s comment re: Mukai:




Jun’s comment re: Yakumo:

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