August 30: Esther 3-7

In this week’s bible reading, chapter 3, when Haman came people bow down to him and honored him, even the nobles around Mordecai bowed down and honored Haman, but Mordecai refused to do the same. Mordecai didn’t care about what people around him did or said about him and would not be swayed by their words, but he kept on doing things that was right in God’s eyes. Applying this to my life, I shouldn’t go along or try to match the people around me since they are not always right. In tennis practice a lot of people try to take shortcuts or cheat out a point and since everyone is doing it, the majority cuts their practice to make it easier for themselves and to win, I learned that even if it’s hard it’s important to do it completely and not going along with people around me just to win.


‭‭エステル‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about Haman’s pridefulness and was easily offended when Mordecai didn’t bow to him. He would try to conspire to kill Mordecai, but instead, that plan would backfire and Haman would get killed himself. Applying this to my life, I should not be prideful of myself or think of what I think is right but rather listen to God, pray, read the Bible for guidance, and be open to his Word.


Masami’s comment re: Yoshiya:

In chapter 4 verse 14, Mordecai says, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” In other words, there is a reason why Esther became queen while Haman made the law about killing all the Jews. Due to her position as queen, she was in a place where she could go to the king. However, due to the laws, it was illegal to go up to the king without being summoned, so, the Jews fasted for three days. Esther went up to the long, which eventually resulted in stopping Haman’s plans and his execution. From this, I learned that God has a plan and there is a reason for everything. Like Esther, we are to be bold and do what we are supposed to, trusting in God. Applying this to my life, this reminds me that I am in my current situation for a purpose, just like how Esther was in a position to influence the king. Although I don’t know for sure specifically what I need to do, I should keep in mind that God is giving me opportunities, like Esther’s position of queen saved her people.


Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
In chapter 4 verse 14, Mordecai says, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” In other words, there is a reason why Esther became queen
Have you guys also thought about why Esther was chosen in the first place by King Xerxes out of all the beautiful girls brought to the palace and why Hegai, the eunuch in charge of the harem, treated her with special favor? Don’t think that just because it was God’s plan, Esther would have been made queen no matter what. Just because God has a plan for you, doesn’t mean it will happen automatically. There are small tests all along the way—when you pass one, you step up to the next one and so on. If you give up, that’s the end of God’s original plan for you.

Think about how Esther acted—brought as a very young girl to the palace and thrust into a completely new world (the harem) where anything she could possibly want would have been given to her, she did not change her lifestyle and personality at all. She continued to obey Mordecai (who was not even her real father, but only a cousin) and did not ask for anything special (全然チャラチャラにならなかった)。If you were in her place, do you think you would have been able to act in the same way? It doesn’t matter if you are a boy or girl. Imagine you were suddenly adopted into a king’s family and given servants whose job is to wait on you and give you whatever you ask for. Would you be able to not change at all and act as a Christian in a non-Christian culture?

Esther never explicitly mentioned her Jewish identity until the end, but she showed God’s glory in the harem even before she became queen, and before she saved the Jews. Something was different about her and that’s why the king chose her as his wife. She gives us a good example of how to be a good witness wherever you are, even if you don’t get the chance to explicitly tell others about Jesus. Of course, when the chance comes, you need to be bold and speak, just as Esther did.

Although I don’t know for sure specifically what I need to do,
There are many things we told you (not just Timothy but all of you at various times) already—work on those so you can be a bigger and better vessel that God can use. Ultimately, how much God can use you comes down to your character—for Timothy (for example), work on expressing yourself more freely and being bold.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
In tennis practice a lot of people try to take shortcuts or cheat out a point and since everyone is doing it, the majority cuts their practice to make it easier for themselves and to win, I learned that even if it’s hard it’s important to do it completely and not going along with people around me just to win.
You do realize that you wouldn’t be doing yourself any favors by taking shortcuts or cheating, whether it be in sports or academic studies. No one who cheats learns anything or improves their skill so ultimately, such a person is only putting themselves at a disadvantage later on.

Also, let’s aim a little higher. This application is only at the level of not sinning vs. sinning.


Jun’s comment re: Yoshiya:
Very good, Yoshiya.いつもこのぐらい書いてきて。😄ヨシヤの心がよく言葉の中から読み取れます。👍



今回の聖書朗読で学んだことは、エステル記 4:16の「行って、スサにいるユダヤ人をみな集め、私のために断食してください。三日三晩、食べたり飲んだりしないようにしてください。私も私の侍女たちも、同じように断食します。そのようにしたうえで、法令に背くことですが、私は王のところへ参ります。私は、死ななければならないのでしたら死にます。」この部分でここでは主の計画で死ぬ必要があるなら死ぬと書いていてここで、神様への信仰がわかる気がします。
どんな状況だろうとも神様への信仰をとださないようにする 環境を見ない 調子を合わせない

